Halloween Should Be Scary. But Not For Your Pets!

Oct 26, 2020

Lights, candles, decorations, pumpkins, and delicious snacks might represent a great Halloween for us humans, but they can be harmful to our furry family! We’ve got some important tips from the American Humane Association to help ensure a safe and healthy holiday for our four-legged friends.

Food & Snacks

  • Chocolate containing candies – Chocolate contains something called theobromine which can be harmful, or even fatal, to dogs if ingested in large quantities. It can affect a pet’s nervous system, causing urinary system and heart muscle damage.

  • Candies smell delicious, even to pets, but getting a hold of some can cause a very upset stomach, vomiting, or worse.

  • If you think your pet may have ingested any amount of chocolate, talk with your vet immediately over the phone or through your airVet app (download link below).


  • Keep glass ornaments and small trinkets out of a pet’s reach, especially cats, which are intrigued by these objects, or try eating them and possibly choking.

  • To avoid fires or electrocution, place candles, lights and extension cords out of reach. Pet-proof extension cords and Bitter Apple or Chew Stop sprays are also available.

  • Artificial spider webs can be very dangerous if ingested as they can clump up in the intestinal tract causing a blockage that may need surgery to remove.

  • Securely anchor any standing decorations or plants to prevent them from being knocked over by climbing cats and dogs with wagging tails.

Emotional Triggers and Escape

  • Keep your pets secured when you’re opening the door for trick or treaters! Often times multiple doorbell ringing and outside noise can trigger pets to be alarmed and frightened. Opening the door to greet trick or treaters can be an easy escape for pets and an easy trigger for stress and anxiety.

Download the Airvet app and talk to a veterinarian to make sure your house is hazard-free and find out if which items you’re planning to use are safe and which may be more of a trick than a treat.